How to beat Benedikta in Final Fantasy 16 FF16 boss fight guide

June 2024 · 7 minute read

In Final Fantasy 16, you’ll face off against Benedikta, the Dominant of Garuda, at the end of the main story chapter “Headwind.” Benedikta is the first Dominant you’ll fight against, and her attacks can be quite punishing if you don’t dodge them properly. However, don’t be alarmed! The fight against Benedikta isn’t as intimidating as you think — a majority of her attacks can be dodged by just running to the side.

Read on to learn all of Benedikta’s attacks, and how to defeat her in Final Fantasy 16.

How to beat Benedikta

The fight revolves around Benedikta weaving in and out of close and long range combat. She will lunge in to clash swords with Clive, and retreat to throw wind-infused magic at you. There are two phases: human form and semi-primed form. After you defeat her human form, a cinematic clash will occur where Benedikta will semi-prime, bringing out the power of Garuda.

Preparing to fight against Benedikta

Before you face off against Benedikta, we recommend you follow these tips:

First phase — human form

In the first phase, Benedikta will present her usual human self, and battle from both close and long range. During the first phase, Benedikta has three named attacks:

In addition to the named attacks, Benedikta has a few unnamed attacks:

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Second phase — semi-primed form

In the second phase, Benedikta will semi-prime by calling upon Garuda’s power without fully transforming. In doing so, Benedikta will upgrade her abilities, and throw a couple new ones at you. During the second phase, Benedikta has ten named attacks:

In addition to the named attacks, Benedikta has a few unnamed attacks:

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