Jared Leto To Appear In The Flash

July 2024 · 3 minute read

With many rumors flying about who might appear in DC's The Flash movie, a new one suggests Jared Leto might return as the Joker.

By Ross Bonaime | Published 3 years ago

This article is more than 2 years old

After years in development, DC’s The Flash finally seems close to happening. Recently, the film has had some obstacles, from coronavirus shooting restrictions, to DC’s Cyborg, Ray Fisher leaving the project, which he says was a substantial part. As The Flash has had to adapt to all these changes, there have also been many rumors about who might be appearing in this highly-anticipated superhero film. Now a new rumor states that Jared Leto might be making an appearance in The Flash as the Joker.

We Got This Covered announced the rumor, but also points out that there have been a ton of rumors surrounding cameos in The Flash lately. With The Flash supposedly dealing with multiverses, and with Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck both playing Batman, it seems as though any character that has ever been in a previous Batman film has a possibility of appearing in The Flash. Other recent rumors have included Arnold Schwarzenegger returning as Mr. Freeze, and Danny DeVito making an appearance as the Penguin. However, considering Jared Leto has said he wants to come back as the Joker recently, and he shot new footage for Zack Snyder’s cut of the Justice League, this rumor seems a bit more likely.

Yet as with Marvel’s upcoming third Spider-Man film and Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, the possibility of multiverses has made rumors run rampant. While Michael Keaton’s return to the DC movie universe does make one think there could be even more cameos from the past, there haven’t been any hints that anyone other than Keaton could be making their return. At the very least, Jared Leto as Joker is part of the current timeline, which makes him a more sensible rumor to believe.

The next few years are looking to be a good time for fans of Jared Leto, with tons of projects on his plate. Later this month, Jared Leto will be starring alongside fellow Oscar winners Denzel Washington and Rami Malek in The Little Things. As previously mentioned, Leto will also be making his first appearance as Joker since 2016’s Suicide Squad in Zack Snyder’s cut of the Justice League, coming to HBO Max this year. Recently pushed back to October 8, 2021 is Morbius, another superhero film that features a returning Michael Keaton.

In the near future, Jared Leto will also be a part of Ridley Scott’s massive ensemble piece Gucci, which also stars Lady Gaga, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and Adam Driver. Leto also posted on Instagram last year that he was working out to get ready for the third Tron film. While this film is supposedly in development, there has been little news about this production, and when it plans to film or come out.

Of all the rumors swirling around The Flash, Jared Leto showing up as the Joker makes more sense than most of them. With the multiverse opening up the possibilities of who we could see in the Flash movie, anything seems possible at this point. We might have to wait a while before we see who does appear in The Flash, as the film is currently slated for a November 4, 2022 release.
