Lose the weight he did, and in its place Bale packed on some slabs of muscle for Exodus: Gods and Kings. The film bombed domestically and was slaughtered by critics (it has the unfortunate accolade of being Bale's worst-rated movie on Rotten Tomatoes), with many accusing the production of blatant whitewashing. "I don't think fingers should be pointed, but we should all look at ourselves and say, 'Are we supporting wonderful actors in films by north African and Middle Eastern film-makers and actors,'" Bale said after director Ridley Scott came under fire for comments he made in defense of the film.
Skin color aside, Bale looked the part as Moses, training away the gut he sported in American Hustle with a cardio-heavy workout schedule. "To quickly get back to his regular weight and size, Bale followed a strict workout routine — in addition to a strict diet — in order to play the role," Health Fitness Revolution reported. "Much of Bale's routine consisted of cardio exercise, such as swimming and running, as well as power weight lifting activities like jump squats, power cleans, explosive bench press and high pulls."