What happens if you become hero of village?

June 2024 · 4 minute read

When you become the hero of the village in Minecraft, you receive the Hero of the Village effect. This effect provides several benefits, including discounts on trades with villagers and gifts from villagers. The level of the effect depends on the level of the raid that was successfully defeated.

Here are the answers to 22 questions related to being the hero of the village:

1. How does the hero of the village affect trade prices?

The Hero of the Village I decreases the cost of the first item in a trade by 30%. Each additional level decreases the price by an additional 1/16 (6.25%). In Survival mode, the maximum level is V (Java Edition) or I (Bedrock Edition), giving discounts of 55% and 30% respectively.

2. What items do villagers give you as gifts?

When the Hero of the Village effect is active, villagers randomly throw items at the player as rewards. The specific items given depend on the villager’s profession.

3. How do you obtain the Hero of the Village effect?

To obtain the Hero of the Village effect, you must successfully defend a village from a raid. You must defeat at least one mob during the raid and ensure that the village has been completely cleared of the raid.

4. What is the maximum level of the Hero of the Village effect?

In Survival mode, the maximum level of the Hero of the Village effect is V (Java Edition) or I (Bedrock Edition). These levels provide the highest discounts on trade prices.

5. How long does the raid victory last?

Once a raid lasts for 48,000 ticks (40 minutes in real time), it expires and the raid bossbar disappears. Any living raiders will remain until they are killed.

6. What is the Bad Omen effect?

The Bad Omen effect is a status effect that causes a group of hostile mobs to spawn and attack a village. When a player with the Bad Omen effect enters a village, a raid is triggered.

7. Can you get rid of the Bad Omen effect?

Yes, the Bad Omen effect can be removed through conventional methods, such as drinking milk or dying. However, in peaceful difficulty, the Bad Omen effect does not trigger a raid if in a village.

8. Does curing a villager lower prices forever?

When a villager is cured, it offers a trading discount to the player who administered the cure. These discounts are permanent. If a villager is cured more than once, the discounts become deeper until the price reaches the minimum of one emerald.

9. Can you lose the Hero of the Village effect?

Yes, the Hero of the Village effect can be removed by drinking milk. Like all status effects, it has a limited duration.

10. Does the Hero of the Village effect last forever?

No, the Hero of the Village effect has a limited duration. It lasts for approximately 2 in-game days before wearing off.

11. How do you cure a zombie villager?

To cure a zombie villager, you can throw a Splash Potion of Weakness at it and then feed it a Golden Apple by approaching the zombie villager and pressing the ‘use’ button.

12. How do you trigger a raid in Minecraft?

A raid can be triggered by a player with the Bad Omen effect entering a village. The raid will start when the player enters a chunk with at least one villager and a claimed bed or in one of the eight chunks surrounding it.

13. Does killing a pillager start a raid?

No, killing a pillager does not start a raid. However, killing a raid captain applies 1-3 levels of Bad Omen to the player, triggering a raid the next time the affected player enters a village.

14. What happens if you don’t kill any mobs during a raid?

If you don’t kill any mobs during a raid, the raid will continue until all of the raiders are defeated or all of the villagers are killed.

15. Can you obtain the Hero of the Village effect in peaceful difficulty via commands?

Yes, you can obtain the Hero of the Village effect in peaceful difficulty by using commands. However, pillager captains despawn in peaceful difficulty.

16. How do you defend a village from a raid?

To defend a village from a raid, you must defeat all of the raiders before they kill all of the villagers. Fight them off using weapons like a bow and arrow or melee weapons.
